Fall Out Boy – Infinity on High

Infinity on High is the new album from Fall Out Boy. It’s a great album with the most frickin’ awesome titles this year(I’m Like A Lawyer With The Way I’m Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)) but I still have a hard time describing what kind of music it is. Is it powerpop, pop-punk or just rock? Who gives a flying fuck these days anyway.

It’s just fun music with catchy guitars, vocals that aren’t Mariah-Carey-all-over-the-place but also not monotone and some great sampling along the way: from Jeff Buckley’s Hallelujah to a pirate-like Joho,Joho in Bang the Doldrums. It’s alsvery fun to see that they’ve worked with hiphop producers but still maintained their sound while a lot of people were afraid they’d lose their origin. The music industry and it’s users have so evolved in the last few years that it shouldn’t even matter in my opinion…

I seem to get more and more interested and tolerant towards rockbands while i’m certainly not abandoning my proud existence of being a pop whore. So I’m going to FOB’s gig in 013, Tilburg on the 28th of March with Sam, Rabia, Elisa, Sladja and Rach 🙂
And ofcourse on saturday seeing the lush Jared Leto in Tivoli with his band 30 Seconds to Mars. I still only know one song, but the main reason I’m going is just to have a good time, see my friends and enjoy the music there instead of being able to singalong every word. [and yes Jared is hot, but I’ll probably get a whoop-ass from Majo if that’s my only reason for going haha]

 Infinity on High is out on Feb. 6

~ by GJ on Wednesday 31 January 2007.

One Response to “Fall Out Boy – Infinity on High”

  1. I can’t wait for fall out boy to have a new cd. there a really awesome band. have fun at a “FOB gig” there really good live! i went to one last april.

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